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Smiling and Dialing

Friday Funny: Years ago, I was participating in a cold phone call role play at a job where I had a boss that was a stickler for "realism." And by that I mean he made us verbally say "Ring, Ring, Ring" to approximate the sound of a phone (from 1939?) ringing before it was picked up in our Cold Call role plays. 


So when it came to my turn as the "prospect", the poor rep across from me started doing the old "Ring. Ring. Riiinng. Riinnnng." I just let it go on.

And On.

And On.

And on.

He must of said "Ring" for 20 seconds when my boss silently waved his hand across his throat in the international sign of "Cut it" (like someone was taping this?) and said to me:  "Derek, Why aren't you going to pick up the phone?"

Smugly, with all the confidence of a sitcom star delivering a line that KILLED in the Table Read, I said: "Sorry, I don't recognize the number and I hate cold calls!" ZING!

Everybody in the training room laughed & laughed & laughed.

Well everyone except my boss.

But I was 200% of quota at the time. And in those days, plan performance trumped personality, attitude and basic human decency. 

Not like NOW...right?  ;)