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Top Ten Sales Manager Secrets: #6 - This Push For Meetings At All Costs Isn't Working

From the home office in Sioux City Iowa, Top Ten #Sales Manager #Secrets: #6 - This Push For Meetings At All Costs Isn't Working

"Just get the &$^# meeting!"

We tell Sales Leadership they must CONCENTRATE on obtaining new customers.  So their reps spend a lot of prospecting time calling/emailing people, asking for a "brief meeting."

But in the New Normal, your sales manager knows the vast majority of these 1st meetings are a waste of time.

Your sales manager knows we've made it SUPER easy (many would say TOO EASY) for a buyer to say "Yes" to a 15-30 minute meeting with a sales rep. Not a lot of "customer buy-in" necessary to agree to a 15 minute web meeting, two weeks from tomorrow. No skin in that game.

Ever sit in a web meeting like the one described above & hear the prospect say "So WHY are we meeting?"  Ever agree to a meeting like the one described above & SAY "So why are we meeting?" 

Is the US alone, there are 11 million formal business meetings each day.  Estimates put "meeting waste" at $37 Billion every year! How many of those meetings are YOUR sales reps initiating?

But you need the meeting entered in the #CRM you say?  Because of #metrics you say?

CRM metrics?  Ooo, that secret gets told on Monday!

/#5 Secret on 12/11/17